Creative film photography and project development.

Camera vibes at Anglian Art
Hammer the bass

Some our projects centre around musicians, performers and artistes.

What's on the menu?

We ventured out to Paris, for inspiration. Some of these shots have a distinctive retro look.


A collection of fabulous vintage synthesizers & equipment from yesteryear.


Our in-house mannequins -  looking moody and real enough to get up and walk off!

Neon lights

A mixture of moody night shots featuring neon lights, in some rather interesting places.

More than photography

Whilst film photography (actually taking photos) is our main concern, we can also offer the basic services of film development - namely 35mm and 120 format. If you need negatives scanned (and digital images returned on CD, SD card etc.) please get in touch for details. You can see our projects gallery HERE.
We will also be introducing a series of numbered prints of exclusive graphic artworks listed on the SHOP page.

Film & accessories

Though we are not a retail outlet, we do have the means to supply film and some basic darkroom accessories. From time to time we also have stock of reconditioned (and tested) film cameras. Please note, we are not camera dealers, and most items for sale have been purchased by us specifically for former projects. Our shop page will be updated in Summer 2024 with products available.

A project or idea?

If you have a project or idea, that you wish to be captured on film, we can advise you the best way to go about it.
We generally don't get involved with family events and weddings, but we can make exceptions if you really want the 'film look', and don't just want a CD full of 1000's of digital images you never bother to look through!

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